Technische Einzelheiten
JavaScript-Quelltexte: main.js
var browser = parseInt(navigator.appVersion), dhtmlType = 0,
isIE = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf('msie') >= 0,
isOpera = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf('opera') >= 0,
isMozilla = (navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf('mozilla') >= 0) && !isIE && !isOpera,
mozVersion = 0;
if (isMozilla) mozVersion = parseFloat(navigator.userAgent.substring(navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf('rv:')+3))
var intNothing = 0, // eigentlich Konstanten
intRefreshCookies = 1,
intFrameCallCheck = 2,
cssNavigation = 1,
cssDefault = 2,
dhtmlNS4 = 1,
dhtmlIE4 = 2,
dhtmlDOM = 3;
if (document.createElement) { dhtmlType = dhtmlDOM }
else { if (document.all && !isOpera) { dhtmlType = dhtmlIE4 } // for IE4
else { if (document.layers && !isOpera) { dhtmlType = dhtmlNS4 }
function GetLastModified() {
var d = new Date(document.lastModified), res, value="",
months = "JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec";
if (GetLastModified.arguments.length>0) value = GetLastModified.arguments[0];
if (value=="de") { months = "JanFebMarAprMaiJunJulAugSepOktNovDez" };
if (value=="ru") { months = "янвфевмарапрмайиюниюлавгсепоктноядек" };
value = d.getYear();
if (value<70) {value += 2000};
if (value<1000) {value += 1900};
if ((value>=1900) && (value<1970)) {value += 100};
if (browser<4) { res = String(d.getDate())+". "+String(d.getMonth()+1)+". "+value+", "+d.getHours()+":" }
else { res = String(d.getDate())+" "+months.substr(3*(d.getMonth()),3)+" "+value+", "+d.getHours()+":" };
value = d.getMinutes();
if (value<10) { res += "0"+value } else { res += value };
return res;
function ShowStatus(msg) {
return true;
function ClearStatus() {
return ShowStatus('');
function focusIt() {
if (browser >= 3) window.focus();
function preloadImages() { // Alle Bilder bereits beim Seitenaufruf laden
if (document.images) { // Image-Modul geladen ?
var ImageArray = new Array;
for(arg=0; arg<PreloadImages.arguments.length; arg++) {
ImageArray[arg] = new Image;
ImageArray[arg].src = PreloadImages.arguments[arg];
function swapImage(ImageId, ImageSource){ // Austausch des Bildes
if (document.images){
if ((typeof ImageId == 'string') || (typeof ImageId == 'number')) {
document.images[ImageId].src = ImageSource;
else if (ImageId && ImageId.src) { ImageId.src = ImageSource; }
function removeFrames() {
if (top.parent!=self) top.parent.location.replace(self.location.href);
function checkFramecall() {
if (browser > 3) {
var Adresse =;
if (Adresse) {
var anURL = Adresse.substring(1, Adresse.length);
if (anURL.indexOf('http://') >= 0) location.href=anURL;
function setCookie(aName, aValue, aLifetime) { // aLifetime in Tagen
var now = new Date();
var expiry = new Date(now.getTime() + aLifetime*24*60*60*1000);
if ((aValue != null) && (aValue != ""))
document.cookie=aName + "=" + escape(aValue) + "; expires=" + expiry.toGMTString();
return getCookie(aName) != null; // Test, ob es geklappt hat
function getCookie(aName) {
var aStart, anEnd;
if (document.cookie) {
aStart = document.cookie.indexOf(aName+"=");
if (aStart < 0) return null;
aStart = document.cookie.indexOf("=", aStart) + 1;
anEnd = document.cookie.indexOf(";", aStart);
if (anEnd < 0) anEnd = document.cookie.length;
return unescape(document.cookie.substring(aStart, anEnd));
else return null;
function deleteCookie(aName) {
var now = new Date();
var expired = new Date(now.getTime() - 2*24*60*60*1000); // 2 Tage zurueck
document.cookie=aName + "=null; expires=" + expired.toGMTString();
function cookiesEnabled() {
var result=true, aValue="Cookie zu Testzwecken", aName="testIt";
if (navigator.cookieEnabled != null) result = navigator.cookieEnabled;
if (result) {
if (setCookie(aName, aValue, 1)) result = getCookie(aName) == aValue;
return result;
function refreshCookie(aName, aLifetime) {
var cookieValue = getCookie(aName);
if (cookieValue != null) setCookie(aName, cookieValue, aLifetime);
function refreshCookies() {
var duration = getCookie("duration"), refreshed = getCookie("refreshed");
if (duration == null) duration = 90;
if (refreshed != 1) {
refreshCookie("popUp", duration);
refreshCookie("selectedStyle", duration);
refreshCookie("duration", duration);
setCookie("refreshed", 1, 1); // Refershing after 1 day
function newWindow() {
var newW, url, winName="_blank", w=700, h=500;
// Possible arguments: url, winName, width, height
if (newWindow.arguments.length > 0) {
url = newWindow.arguments[0];
if (newWindow.arguments.length > 1) winName = newWindow.arguments[1];
if (newWindow.arguments.length > 2) w = Math.round(newWindow.arguments[2]);
if (newWindow.arguments.length > 3) h = Math.round(newWindow.arguments[3]);
newW =, winName,
"width=" + w + ",height=" + h + ",screenX=50,screenY=50,toolbar=no,directories=no,menubar=yes,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes");
// nach den Kommas keine Leerraueme eingeben!
if (browser > 2) {
if (window.moveTo) newW.moveTo(50,50);
function getStyleSheetVersion() {
var vCookie=getCookie("selectedStyle");
if (vCookie==null) vCookie=0; else vCookie=vCookie-1;
return vCookie;
// var cssNavigation = 1, cssDefault = 2;
function changeAStyleSheet(level, which) {
var aVersion=getStyleSheetVersion(), aDir,
aText="<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text\/css\" title=\"Main Style Sheet\" href=\"";
var aFile="main" + aVersion + ".css";
if (which==1) aFile="contents" + aVersion + ".css" ;
if (level==1) aDir=".\/styles\/";
if (level==2) aDir="..\/styles\/";
if (level==3) aDir="..\/..\/styles\/";
if (level==4) aDir="..\/..\/..\/styles\/";
if (aVersion>0) document.write(aText + aDir + aFile + "\" \/>");
function changeStyleSheet(level) {
var aVersion=getStyleSheetVersion();
if (aVersion > 0) changeAStyleSheet(level, cssDefault);
// if (!document.styleSheets)
function changeNavStyleSheet(level) {
changeAStyleSheet(level, cssNavigation);
function popUp() {
var vCookie=getCookie("popUp"), url;
if ((vCookie!=null) && (vCookie==1) && (document.getElementById) && (popUp.arguments.length > 0)) {
url = popUp.arguments[0].getAttribute("href");
if (popUp.arguments.length == 1) newWindow(url, 'Abbr');
if (popUp.arguments.length == 2) newWindow(url, 'Abbr', popUp.arguments[1]);
if (popUp.arguments.length == 3) newWindow(url, 'Abbr', popUp.arguments[1], popUp.arguments[2]);
return false;
else return true;
function checkEsc(event) {
var code = 0;
if (event.keyCode) code=event.keyCode;
else if (event.which) code=event.which;
if (code==27) window.close();
function addEvent(obj, eventType, aFunction, isCapture) {
// W3C DOM
if (obj.addEventListener) {
obj.addEventListener(eventType, aFunction, isCapture);
return true;
// Internet Explorer
else if (obj.attachEvent) {
return obj.attachEvent("on"+eventType, aFunction);
else return false;
function removeEvent(obj, eventType, aFunction, isCapture) {
if (obj.removeEventListener) {
obj.removeEventListener(eventType, aFunction, isCapture);
return true;
else if (obj.detachEvent) {
return obj.detachEvent("on"+eventType, aFunction);
else return false;
function processAnchorEvent(event) {
if ((event.type=="mouseover") || (event.type=="focus")) {
// Internet Explorer
if (event.srcElement) window.status=event.srcElement.getAttribute("title");
// W3C DOM
if (event.currentTarget) {
/* event.stopPropagation(); */
if (event.cancelable) event.preventDefault();
if ((event.type=="mouseout") || (event.type=="blur")) {
if (event.srcElement) window.status="";
if (event.currentTarget) {
/* event.stopPropagation(); */
if (event.cancelable) event.preventDefault();
// in case of mouseout anything should be done for focused links.
return true; // for IE, identical to event.preventDefault()
function initAnchorStatus() {
var anchorList, aTitle, i;
if (document.getElementsByTagName) {
if (anchorList.length>0)
for (i=0; i<anchorList.length; i++) {
if ((aTitle!=null) && (aTitle!="")) {
addEvent(anchorList[i], "mouseover", processAnchorEvent, false);
addEvent(anchorList[i], "focus", processAnchorEvent, false);
addEvent(anchorList[i], "mouseout", processAnchorEvent, false);
addEvent(anchorList[i], "blur", processAnchorEvent, false);
function addImgTitles() {
var imgList, aTitle, anAlt, i;
if (document.getElementsByTagName) {
if (imgList.length>0)
for (i=0; i<imgList.length; i++) {
if (((anAlt!=null) && (anAlt!="")) && ((aTitle==null) || (aTitle==""))) {
imgList[i].setAttribute("title", anAlt)
if (imgList.length>0)
for (i=0; i<imgList.length; i++) {
if (((anAlt!=null) && (anAlt!="")) && ((aTitle==null) || (aTitle==""))) {
imgList[i].setAttribute("title", anAlt)
function ifJS() {
var aList, items, i;
if (document.getElementById) {
aList = document.getElementById("menuItems");
items = aList.getElementsByTagName("li");
if (items.length > 0) for (i=0; i<items.length; i++) {
if (items[i].className == "js") items[i].style.display = "inline";
if ( == "abbr") {
if (items[i].className == "jsClose") {
items[i].style.display = "inline";
else if (items[i].className == "jsBack") items[i].style.display = "inline";
// var intNothing = 0,
// intRefreshCookies = 1,
// intFrameCallCheck = 2,
function initPage() {
var anOpts = intNothing;
if (initPage.arguments.length > 0) anOpts = initPage.arguments[0];
if ((anOpts & intFrameCallCheck) != 0) checkFramecall(); // nur noch aus historischen Gruenden
if ((anOpts & intRefreshCookies) != 0) refreshCookies();
if ('abbr') onkeypress=checkEsc;
if (!isOpera) initAnchorStatus();
function initContentsPage() {
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