Unger, R.; Beyer, D.; Donth, E.
Phase behaviour in poly(ethylene oxide-b-t-butyl methacrylate) block copolymers

Unger, R.; Beyer, D.; Donth, E.: Phase behaviour in poly(ethylene oxide-b-t-butyl methacrylate) block copolymers
Polymer 32 (18) (1991) 3305–3312,
DOI: 10.1016/0032-3861(91)90532-N.

The lamellar thickness of the poly(ethylene oxide) – poly(t-butyl methacrylate) (PEO-PTBMA) diblock coplymer system, obtained by differential scanning calorimetry and small angle X-ray scattering investigations, is correlated with the degree of polymerization of the amorphous (PTBMA) and crystallizable (PEO) sequences. The non-euqilibrium exponents obtained immediately after bulk crystallization are different to those from extrapolated equilibrium results. Within the experimental standard deviations, the theoretical predictions of DiMarzio et al. and of Whitmore and Noolandi could be confirmed. The molecular weights of PEO and PTBMA ranged from 250 to 21,000 g mol-1 and from 1,500 to 17,000 g mol-1, respectively. Both the equilibrium lamellar thickness l and the PEO domain size dPEO increase with increasing PEO and decreasing PTBMA degrees of polymerization Z according to dPEO ~ l ~ ZEO0.97±0.08 ZTBMA-(0.53±0.19).